The Connection Between Your Credit Score and Your Love Life

Because credit card scores predict trustworthiness and financial distress, they indicate whether a co-habitation relationship will be long lasting.

Why Major League Baseball Has a C+ Gender Grade

Because the presence of women in Major League Baseball (MLB) management positions is very small, they have diminished their talented human capital supply.

Taylor Swift Gives Apple a Little Taste of Capitalism

By asking Apple to pay her and other artists when customers get their music for free displays Taylor Swift’s understanding of the basics of capitalism.

Why Children Are More Expensive Than We Think

To the dollars families spend on children, we can add the cost of stress from the time we devote to developing a child’s human capital.

What Bread Says About Women

Through the industrialization of just one slice of bread, we can see the history of the U.S. economy since the beginning of the 20th century.

Why the Social Security Crisis Has Begun

Caused by aging baby boomers, expanded criteria and the remnants of the great recession, SSDI entitlement spending is approaching insolvency.

The Happiness Gap Between Parents and Non-Parents

Although highly educated women have started having more children, academic studies indicate that children do not necessarily help our subjective well-being.

Tradeoffs and Marriage: Like a Horse and Carriage

As the pill, education and employment opportunities changed the value of women as wives, the tradeoffs that relate to being married have also changed.

Part 2: What To Do When More People Are Old

Facing an aging population and more entitlements, countries that are encouraging more births to expand the labor force might be creating a bigger problem.

Part 1: What To Do When More People Are Old

As population shifts, developed nations will have redistribution decisions as the proportion of the non-working aged and the young need more labor income.