How Supermarkets Boost What We Buy

Looking at a century of supermarket history, we would see how, using carts, bar codes, and self checkout they tried to boost what we buy.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Taylornomics to Shrinkflation

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from food spending to China’s Belt and Road.

Would You Pay the Same Price for 11 Eggs?

Sometimes shrinkflation is a more attractive alternative when sellers want to charge more but think they can hide it.

How to Board a Plane Quickly

Although airlines say that speedy boarding is a priority, their incentives prevent them from ever achieving it.

Who Spends What on Food?

Looking closely at food spending, we see that, based on where, when, age, income and eductaion, it will vary.

How Taylornomics Boosts the Economy

Called Taylornomics, the economic boost from Swift’s Eras tour and the newly released movie of the tour ripples far beyond theaters.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From More Income to Less Weight

Weekly Roundup​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Sunday 10.08.23 When a weight loss drug is about more than food… Monday 10.09.23 Where to find two Americas… Tuesday 10.10.23 Why Claudia Goldin received Economics Prize…     Wednesday 10.11.23 Where medicine cures a gender pay gap……

How to Get Faster Fast Food

Hoping to serve us faster than other fast food establishments, McDonald’s, Chipotle, and their “sisters” are using robots.

When Doing Good Backfires

Previously a huge economic mystery, researchers now think they know why the gender wage gap stopped shrinking during the 1990s.

Why We Should Be More Like Our Pharmacist

Usually summarized by one percent, the gender pay gap is so much more complex when we look at a slew of other variables.