Law and Odor at a North Carolina Hog Farm

You have a regulatory dispute when North Carolina’s hog farmers want to use their less costly manure lagoons while neighbors, objecting to the smells, want legal limits.

How a Caviar Sandwich Is Like a Model T Ford

Sometimes low cost production can make goods as different as a caviar sandwich and a Model T Ford more similar than we might expect.

Why We Will Miss the Candy We Never Loved

Told that their least favorite candy might no longer exist, people are panic buying NECCO wafers and Sweethearts because the New England Confectionary Company could shut down.

Why We Have More Bananas

Customized container ship refrigeration has made it possible for our fruit imports to include many more bananas, limes, mangoes, and berries.

The Lobster War Between Sweden and Maine

The future of North American lobster exports to the European Union was threatened when 32 “surly” reddish green lobsters were found in Scandinavian waters.

How to Make a NAFTA Burger

Deconstructing your hamburger and French fries, you would see how NAFTA benefits consumers with lower prices for each ingredient.

What an Economist Would Buy at the Salad Bar

We could say that we are looking at salad bar economics when we compare the price per pound at the salad bar to the produce aisle.

How Price Affects Avocado Eaters

There is considerable evidence that we have what Bloomberg calls an “avocado addiction.” In Brooklyn, you can eat at Avocaderia, the world’s first avocado bar (according to their website). The Food Network has a recipe for avocado pie. And Square…

The Travels of a Cashew

We seem to be going nuts for cashews. You can see below that the U.S. and India are eating the most. We like our nuts as a snack, in protein bars and as cashew milk. In India, a growing middle…

When Garbage Is More Than Trash

Our story starts in a college dining room when students said the mayonnaise did not taste right. It turns out that a shipment of mayonnaise to Michigan State University had frozen. Yes, you could eat the mayo (I checked). It just…