Government Shutdown Basics

If the Congress does not replace tomorrow’s expired continuing resolution with a temporary spending replacement, we will have another government shutdown.

Why the U.K. Wants a Latte Levy

Because the polyethylene in coffee cups prevents proper recycling, the British parliament is considering a latte levy to solve the problem.

A Banana, a Billionaire, and a Tesla Tax Follow-Up

Our banana, $450 million painting, and Tesla tax stories were just so interesting that they deserved fascinating follow-ups.

Why We Need to Know If a Hot Dog Is a Sandwich

To decide if a hot dog is a sandwich, we can look at New York City’s list of criteria and examples that determine if you pay sandwich taxes.

The Unintended Consequences of Airline Taxes

When government increases airline taxes and fees, it can create unintended consequences for travelers who blame the airlines for fare hikes.

Some Creative Municipal Finance

While larger municipalities with high fixed costs have worsening revenue problems, a tiny Ohio solves its municipal finance problems with traffic tickets.

Why Traffic Tickets Relate To Tax Reform

Last spring, a young Norwegian woman worth close to $1.25 billion was pulled to the side of the road in her Audi Q3. Because the authorities determined that her blood alcohol was three times the normal limit, this month, an…

A Simple Tax Story

Thinking of tax reform, we can not only look at what we pay and how much, but also at simplifying taxes through pre-filled forms from the IRS.

Why SALT Might Not Be Good For Our (Financial) Health

In the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, legislators eliminate deductions to offset lower tax rates. One target is SALT–state and local tax deductions.

Deciding Who Is Middle Class and Who Is Rich

According to President Trump and most other politicians, tax reform will be “a middle class bill.” However, ask people what they mean by the middle class and it becomes a mystery. In one Congressional Research Service report, they even say…