Where Livestock Outnumber People

Looking at livestock and the GDP and the number of animals on U.S. farms, we see surprisingly disparate statistics.

When Winning the Lottery is Likely

Looking at 18th century France and 2022, we can see how winning the lottery is not necessarily a low probability event.

A Closer Look at the World’s Top and Bottom Laissez-Faire Countries

Looking closely at the Index of Economic Freedom, we can see where property rights help to boost market activity.

The Problem With Our Economic Outlook

When assessing the economy consumers used to perceive economic indicators accurately but more recently their outlook has been skewed.

Good and Bad Economic News

Although inflation is the media focus, still, looking at other criteria, we see a potentially optimistic economic outlook.

Another Color Change for the Presidential Jet

In the order for new presidential jets, President Biden changed the new colors that his predecessor had selected.

How Are We Fighting Inflation Around the World?

Among many, one weapon for fighting inflation is the interest rate increases that central banks around the world are now implementing.

What’s Happening To Inflation Around the World?

Looking at global inflation rates beyond U.S. borders, we see that the U.S. plight is a problem that varies from country to country.

How to Find Bear Market Territory

Since 1928, based on the S&P 500, there have been 26 stock market declines that we call bear markets. But they were especially frequent during the 1930s: The bad news is that recessions tend to accompany bear markets. However, on…

The Economics of Seizing a Super-Yacht

Super-yacht economics involve astronomical maintenance and storage expenses that governments have to absorb after a seizure.