Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Marijuana Taxes to RV Sales

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economc news roundup ranges from female film stars and male CEOs to pasta passes.

Throwback Thursday: Remembering Standard Oil When We Look Forward to Amazon

#TBT: Today’s Throwback Thursday looks back to why Standard Oil was divided into 34 companies by the Supreme Court in 1911 and then forward to Amazon.

How to Measure the Size of Our Cultural Divide

We can judge the size of our cultural divide by identifying the TV shows we watch, the magazines we read, and the movies we see.

Throwback Thursday: What a Disney Princess Used To Be

#TBT: Today’s Throwback Thursday looks back at Disney Princesses, from Snow White to Vanellope, to see how they are changing.

Disrupting the Movie Industry

With many of us rarely going to a theater, we can see why movie attendance is down and the chance for industry disruption is up.

Why We Suffer From FOMO

With social media telling us everything our friends are doing and much more, many of us experience FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).

The Missing Female Film Critics

The skewed race and gender of the film critics that review our top grossing movies might not express what a more diverse group would say.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Beautiful Cash to Foul Air

Connecting economics, current events, and history, our weekly economic news roundup ranges from expensive theater tickets and a hockey team name to minimum wage tradeoffs.

Looking At The Big Picture in the Movie Industry

While the movie industry has been disrupted by more of us watching movies and Netflix series at home, it might not be dying.

Those Subscriptions That We Love to Buy (and Barely Use)

Behavioral economists can explain why are lured into buying a year’s subscription for movie watching and other media that we barely use.