The Surprising Reasons For Food Inequality

Whereas food inequality had been correlated to lack of availability and high prices, new research shows other reasons low income households eat more unhealthy food than those with more money.

The Shocking Amount of Electricity That Bitcoin Consumes

Although it is a virtual currency, Bitcoin’s huge electricity consumption is very real when we consider the land, labor, and capital its computers require.

Why the U.K. Wants a Latte Levy

Because the polyethylene in coffee cups prevents proper recycling, the British parliament is considering a latte levy to solve the problem.

The Mystery of the Different Mac and Cheese Prices

When restaurants use dynamic pricing they can maximize revenue and diner flow by charging less on Mondays and more on Saturdays.

How to Solve the Missing Chips Problem

Puffier than they need to be, misleading packages have been the subject of class action lawsuits by people who feel they were overcharged for their chips.

Selecting the Right Rent

When small landlords set their own NYC rents, they are nudged toward equilibrium by the power of the supply and demand sides of the market.

A Banana, a Billionaire, and a Tesla Tax Follow-Up

Our banana, $450 million painting, and Tesla tax stories were just so interesting that they deserved fascinating follow-ups.

Imagining a Marijuana Starbucks

With eight states having legalized recreational marijuana, new businesses are multiplying. One ad person even asked if there could be “a Starbucks equivalent in the world of weed.” So today, let’s see the possibilities. A Starbucks Equivalent Surface Magazine shared five…

Why HOT Lanes are a Hot Topic

In the high-occupancy toll lanes outside of Washington D.C., you could pay close to $4.00 a mile. Just for a 9-mile stretch along Interstate 66, the toll has totaled $40.00. Should economists applaud? Controlling Congestion On December 5, 2017, commuters…

How Price Affects Avocado Eaters

There is considerable evidence that we have what Bloomberg calls an “avocado addiction.” In Brooklyn, you can eat at Avocaderia, the world’s first avocado bar (according to their website). The Food Network has a recipe for avocado pie. And Square…