Why You Might Want a Line Sitter

Because hours could be spent waiting in line for a theater ticket, a great piece of pizza, or a Thanksgiving Day Parade spot, you can hire a line sitter.

What Our Time Costs Us

While the average life in the United States has 42 million minutes, the cost of spending time can depend on our wealth, where we live, and our age.

Should We Charge Electric Cars?

With the depletion of the Highway Trust Fund, Congress needs to decide if its new funding sources will include a pay-by-the-mile tax that charges EVs.

How Legos Discovered It’s Not Easy to be Green

If we want our Legos to match, attach, and detach, we might have to wait awhile for them to develop the appropriate bio-based plastic.

The Unintended Consequences of Plastic Bag Bans

Although plastic bag bans do help the environment, they also create unintended consequences that might make them less desirable.

What Paternity Leave Can Do to Dads

With the popularity of paternity leave increasing, researchers wanted to know whether it influenced the number of children that fathers in Spain wanted.

Do You Live Where You Should Sleep More?

When we consider the impact of social jetlag on our health and productivity, our sleep time could matter more than we think.

Where Meat Is Never a Free Lunch

Cow burps were supposed to be the problem. As a substantial source of methane, cattle (and other ruminants) naturally boosted the planet’s greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). From there, the story suggests Meatless Mondays. By eating less meat, we can save…

The Hidden Incentives That Determine Our Big Decisions

Random and seemingly inconsequential incentives can nudge us toward the college majors that will shape our future incomes and lifestyles.

When Ketchup and Parking Are Similar

Whether we are buying Heinz ketchup from a supermarket or a coupon from a Manhattan parking garage, money and time will shape our shopping behavior.