What Password Sharing Really Means

While our password sharing had been ignored by Netflix, now they’ve become very aware that they have a free rider problem to solve.

How the ATM’s Twenty Dollar Bills Affect Us

The Atlanta Fed looked at how we spend our twenty dollar bills to see the ATM’s impact on whether we use cash or debit or credit.

When the Cost of a Plane and a Wait Are Similar

For the same economic reason, the supersonic Concorde should have been grounded sooner and we irrationally endure long phone wait times.

Learn With Elaine: Tokyo 2020

Seemingly simple, the pandemic delays that created ticket refunds for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics have an immense cost.

What Japan’s Olympic Planners Never Bargained For

On the surface, rescheduling the Tokyo Olympics could sound manageable but looking at ticket refunds reveals the gargantuan costs.

How Patents Create Vaccine Tradeoffs

To be sure that vaccine markets travel from the developed nations to developing economies, we might have to accept some costly tradeoffs.

How an Elevator Is Like a Traffic Light

Because of the wait time that they force us to sacrifice, elevators and traffic lights are somewhat similar.

The Cost of a 2020 Olympic Delay

Cancelling the 2020 Olympics, Japan made a decision that had countless hidden costs for athletes and many other individuals and businesses.

When Daylight Saving Is Not the Best Time

Whereas many of us ask whether we should switch between daylight saving time and standard time, the question is not quite so simple.

The Problem With Finding the Right Size

The massive volume of online clothing returns.takes us to the value of standardized dress sizes and the transactions costs of free shipping.