Should Thursday Become the New Friday?

While fewer working hours can mean enjoying a shorter day or week at work, the consequences might be unpredictable.

Why Uber and Santa Claus Agree

Affecting workers that range from Santa’s elves to Uber drivers, the unintended consequences of California’s AB 5 are considerable.

A Labor Day Look at Our Time Squeeze

On this Labor Day, we can explain the “middle-class time squeeze” by looking at how time/money tradeoffs changed a family’s division of labor.

How We Used To Use Our Time

Released during June, the 2020 American Time Use Survey (ATUS) gives us the perfect opportunity to see the impact of working remotely.

When Human Height and Pigeon Mass Matter

The results of a new study about dominance in homing pigeon groups can be compared to the significance of differences in human height.

A Quick and Easy Look at Real Unemployment Numbers

While the headlines tell us the monthly unemployment rate, we can look at other numbers in the report to get the whole story.

A Tale of Two Grocers

Faced with isolated communities, two grocers, separated by thousands of miles, support their customers in a rather similar way.

What We Really Need to Know About Unemployment

Instead of the 14.7 percent unemployment rate, we can see the true U.S. employment picture through numbers that range from history to disruption.

The Long Term Economic Impact of a Pandemic

In addition to the short term suffering and disruption, world pandemics since the 14th century have had a multi-decade economic impact.

Essential Occupations…Like the Easter Bunny

Looking more closely at the lockdown, we can identify the kinds of jobs that involve working remotely and where they are located.