Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Champagne to Paper Towels

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from Champagne and paper towel production to costly disasters.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Pepperoni Pizza to the China Trade Deal

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from carbon taxes and female voters to pepperoni pizzas.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Big Mac Burgers to Covid-19 Tests

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from curbside cardboard and higher prices to Covid-19 tests.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Apple Stock to Pigeon Size

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from vaccine nationalism and exercise incentives to Apple stock.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Clorox to McDonald’s

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from booms and busts and making movies safely to drive-thrus.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Higher Tips to Lower Rents

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from owning property on Mars to a pandemic gender gap.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Airport Traffic to Lost Luggage

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from MLB hot dogs and the cost of opening schools to Elon Musk.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Speed Eating to Buying Groceries

Connecting economics, current events, and history this week’s economic news roundup ranges from the lockdown and frogs to buying cars and groceries.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Shopping Habits to Painting Prices

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from a misleading GDP to music industry diversity.

Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Pricing Cheese to Supplying Water

Connecting economics, current events, and history, this week’s economic news roundup ranges from shaping a recovery to fixing our roads.