Economic Thinkers

Starting with Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations, continuing to Malthus, Ricardo, Keynes, Hayek, Friedman, Sen and others, the timeless ideas of economic thinkers provide understanding of the contemporary economy.

Where Mount Everest Economics Take Us

Whether looking at its newfound height, the traffic jams, or the role of Nepal, Mount Everest always takes us to the margin.

Apple’s Goldilocks Strategy

A behavioral economist can explain why a pricing strategy can become a legend when it relates to a bread making machine.

Why It’s Tough To Eat Less (Real) Chocolate

When the fight against obesity comes down to a battle against chocolate consumption, winning will be tough.

The $1.9 Million Pigeon

When two Chinese businessmen both want the same birds, racing pigeon prices can go sky high into the stratosphere.

How Dating Markets Have Changed

As they replace the traditional ways that couples meet each other, onlne dating markets are reducing the role of friends and family.

Looking at Our Restaurant Anxiety

As COVID-19 intensifies our restaurant anxiety, an entire dine-in industry is experiencing cataclysmic upheaval.

How Vinyl and Streaming Are Similar

Changes in recorded music sales were fueled by new formats that started with vinyl and eventually became streaming.

A Labor Day Look at Our Time Squeeze

On this Labor Day, we can explain the “middle-class time squeeze” by looking at how time/money tradeoffs changed a family’s division of labor.

The Downside of Made in America

Seemingly clear, “Made in America” becomes much more complex when we define it and look at its impact on taxpayers, consumers, and workers.

The Covid-19 Test That Does More With Less

Because of productivity gains from Covid-19 pool testing, the Michigan State University’s 67,000 students can return to school more safely.