The Secret Reason We Want Our Thin Mints
April 26, 2019
Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From More Marijuana to Less Sleep
April 27, 2019Last updated 4/26/19
Every once in a while, (and sometimes each day) I listen to a great podcast, enjoy an article, or see a good video that I want to share with you.
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I like to think of them as my e-links:
Friday’s e-links (4/26)
Friday’s e-links (4/19)
Friday’s e-links (4/12)
2. I wonder if Delta read our recline rage post. Now they are decreasing how much you can recline.
Our post is here.
Friday’s e-links (4/05)
Two follow-ups today–one relates to our congestion pricing post and the other, marijuana:
2.The Congress is considering protection for banks that do cannabis business.