Where Populations Are Old and Young

Perhaps this Google Ngram says the world is aging? And yes, the U.S. is growing older: Old and Young Populations But so too is the world: Still, a closer look reveals how much our age varies: U.S. States At 45…

Will We Have More Pandemic Babies?

When we look at Google word searches, at family planning surveys, and at past multi-year disasters, we can predict pandemic birth rates.

What We Can Learn From Santa’s Age

As a CEO at the North Pole, Santa is a manager who runs a toy workshop. But he wears many hats. In addition, he is a private investigator who knows which children have been good and bad. He is also…

Why Your Birthday Cake Might Have Too Many Candles

When we look at aging populations, 65 could be new 55 because of the difference between our chronological age and our biological age.

A New Kind of (Japanese) Stress

Requiring shorter refrigerators and adult diapers, Japan’s aging population is creating demographic stress as their numbers grow.

Weekly Roundup: From Aging in China to Smiling in Denmark

Our economic news summary includes social welfare and Denmark, crowdsourcing and contests, hitting the debt ceiling, aging concerns and expensive lobsters.

Why Our Kids Will Not Care For Us When We Are Old

Because of aging populations in the developed world and in China, concern about care for the elderly and rising dependency ratios have increased.

Weekly Roundup: From Speed Eating to Slow Aging

Our everyday economics includes development, automation, taxes, fiscal policy, GDP, entitlements, entrepreneurs, negative externalities and environment.

The Impact of Japan’s Aging Population

As Japan’s aging population grows older, the country’s producers of goods and services will increasingly cater to an above 65 demographic.

Weekly Roundup: From Playing Monopoly to Flying Drones

Our everyday economics includes BRICs & MINTs, supply, monopoly, tradeoffs, economic consensus, innovation, property rights, redistribution, fertility rate.