Choosing Between a Road and a Reserve

President Biden just said “No” to a road. More than some gravel connecting two places, this Alaskan road represented a much bigger dilemma. Development or Conservation Alaska had asked the Biden Interior Department for permission to build a road to…

When Is da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man” like Mickey Mouse?

Having become public domain art because of their age, Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vetruvian Man” and Walt Disney’s first Mickey Mouse are similar.

The Economic Side of Our Geologic Timeline

Looking at the massive expanse of the earth’s geologic time scale, scientists are debating how to include recent human activity.

Where Do We Need To Boost Birth Rates?

The financial “band-aid” approach of many nations has made the problem of low birth rates especially tough to solve.

Why the Economy and Democracy Still Need Each Other

From the Economist’s EIU group and Pew Research, we can gain insight about the connection between the economy and democracy.

Connecting the Cost of Living to the Minimum Wage

While the minimum wage economic debate tends to look at floors and job loss, instead it also needs a cost-of-living focus.

The Unintended Consequences of a Menthol Cigarette Ban

One sure thing about economic policy changes like the Masschusetts menthol cigarette ban is there will be unintended consequences.

What Money Means

Recent surveys that have looked at money’s value display it has become more important while traditional values are slipping.

An Economist’s Top Ten List For Christmas

Through a Christmas Top Ten list, we can see how economics has the perfect lens for understanding our holiday behavior. Christmas Top Ten List 10. Social Norms Violating a social norm, a grandmother in Wales charges for her holiday meals.…

How Cost Can Change Climate Policy

With COP28 having begun, we can ask if the delegates are comparing marginal decisions about the cost of climate policy to its benefits.