Economic History

US economic history starts with the 13 colonies and the transition from communal to individual land ownership, continues with 19th century economic growth and takes us to the role of services during the 20th century. Involving government, consumers and businesses, at econlife, economic history provides more understanding of today’s economy.

What Tweets Can Say About the Dow

Researchers are exploring how message volume and sentiment analysis in social media like Twitter and Yahoo can be used to predict financial markets.

Four Ways to Understand Greek Debt

An historical perspective and a look at what is owed, to whom and when provides insight about the culture and complexities of Greek sovereign debt.

A New Way to Rank the Worst Diseases

While death rates are a seemingly easy way to assess healthcare spending, other perspectives like DALYs could be better when we consider the tradeoffs.

Why a Dollar Coin Might Not Be Money

In the U.S. the Federal Reserve tried to introduce metal dollar coins into the money supply but currency demand indicates that people prefer paper.

The Dangerous Side of Economics

Because he revised his country’s inaccurate deficit and received Eurostat approval, Greece’s chief statistician might be prosecuted for “breach of faith.”

Six Ways to Make Government Better

One of many examples in Peter Schuck’s new book, the Social Security program shows how government can be successful and also why it “fails so often.”

The Problem With Hitting the Debt Ceiling Again

With the U.S. hitting a debt ceiling that is equal to the GDP, concern over U.S. spending is growing as the Congress again decides how to avoid a default.

Tradeoffs and Marriage: Like a Horse and Carriage

As the pill, education and employment opportunities changed the value of women as wives, the tradeoffs that relate to being married have also changed.

The Vaccine Benefits That No One Talks About

With better school attendance and learning, and then higher work productivity, the positive externalities of childhood vaccination have an economic impact.

Part 2: What To Do When More People Are Old

Facing an aging population and more entitlements, countries that are encouraging more births to expand the labor force might be creating a bigger problem.