Elaine Schwartz
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Elaine Schwartz has spent her career sharing the interesting side of economics. At the Kent Place School in Summit New Jersey, she was honored with an Endowed Chair in Economics. Just published, her newest book, Degree in a Book: Economics (Arcturus 2023), gives readers a lighthearted look at what definitely is not “the dismal science.” She has also written and updated Econ 101 ½ (Avon Books/Harper Collins 1995) and Economics: Our American Economy (Addison Wesley 1994). In addition, Elaine has articles in the Encyclopedia of New Jersey (Rutgers University Press) and was a featured teacher in the Annenberg/CPB video project “The Economics Classroom.” Beyond the classroom, she has presented Econ 101 ½ talks and led workshops for the Foundation for Teaching Economics, the National Council on Economic Education and for the Concord Coalition. Online for more than a decade. econlife has had one million+ visits.

A Rarely Mentioned Cause of China’s Air Pollution

Because we tend to abuse and overuse publicly shared resources, the result is a tragedy of the commons that includes China’s air pollution.

The Difference That a Sticker Makes

Because “I Voted” stickers indicate voting is a social norm, like paying taxes or saving electricity, people are more likely to act like their neighbors.

The Policy that 600 Economists Support and 500 Oppose

A controversial policy that dates back to 1938, the nominal federal minimum wage has increased from $.25 to $7.25 and is higher in many states and cities.

Our Weekly Roundup: From Being Cool to Being a Wise Investor

This week’s everyday economics stories included spillover, externalities, incentive, opportunity cost, sovereign debt, demand and financial intermediaries.

Four Ways to Understand Marijuana Demand

With an increasing number of states legalizing marijuana, demand is shifting because of changes in utility, complementary products and the number of buyers.

One Woman’s Response To Uber

Whether looking at a woman who needs close to $360 to pay her rent or a railroad that needs to be built, financial intermediaries are an economic necessity.

Some Warren Buffett Investing Wisdom

Guilty of probability neglect, we should listen to Warren Buffett’s advice on investing and use cost/benefit analysis whenever emotions overwhelm logic.

The Benefits of Perpetual Federal Debt

Very long term federal debt that has no date for redemption like UK First World War bonds and U.S. Revolutionary War debt depend on good public credit.

The Unintended Consequences of Daylight Saving Time

We should cancel daylight saving time because studies show that the opportunity cost of energy use has changed since Ben Franklin suggested “early to rise.”

What It Means to be Cool

As a technological innovation, air conditioning led to a ripple of positive externalities. Affecting how we live and work, it had private and social return.