Behavioral Economics

The intersection of psychology and economics, behavioral economics looks at human tendencies that involve biology and culture when predicting and explaining economic decision-making.

The Problem With Bovine Burps

Reducing environmental externalities from greenhouse gas emissions involves the methane that cows and other ruminants burp.

Why It’s Tough to Place the Poverty Line

Whether calculating the poverty rate in Rwanda or in the U.S., the income and/or consumption variables you select determine your results.

Why China’s Two-Child Policy Might Not Work

Although China has said it will replace its one-child policy with a two child limit, small families remain a social norm that will be tough to change.

Solving the Mystery of the Disappearing Workers

One reason we have a labor force participation rate of 62.4 percent is because retirees, students, the disabled and people who care for family do not work.

The Diner’s Dilemma: Should You Divide the Check Equally With Friends?

Like the tragedy of the commons, splitting a bill among friends at a restaurant involves an individual’s marginal benefit and the group’s marginal cost.

Deciding If We Should Be More Like Denmark

While Denmark has universal healthcare, family benefits and pays for college, its social welfare system requires high taxes and other sacrifices.

A Nobel Message on Health and Wealth

The 2015 winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, Angus Deaton studied inequality through health and wealth and micro and macroeconomics.

The Connection Between Your Credit Score and Your Love Life

Because credit card scores predict trustworthiness and financial distress, they indicate whether a co-habitation relationship will be long lasting.

The Importance of Accurately Estimating When We Will Die

Retirement savings and income depend on the person’s prior income, longevity, the macroeconomic environment, Social Security and other entitlement programs.

Part 1: Understanding the Student Loan Crisis

The characteristics of the student loan crisis include a high default and delinquency rate, huge amounts of money and a personal and macroeconomic impact.