Why the Congress Needs to Raise the Debt Ceiling Again

A week ago, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin sent a letter to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. The letter said we will have maxed out our borrowing at midnight tonight. Having reached its “statutory limit,” the outstanding debt of the U.S.…

A Dodd-Frank Reality Check

Told there will be a Dodd-Frank review, we can imagine many thousands of pages of rules targeting consumers, financial firms and an entire financial system.

Incentives That Have Unexpected Results

From the Wells Fargo scandal to the British National Health Service and Chilean bus drivers, sometimes incentives can have unintended consequences.

How Men Act When They Outnumber Women

How gender ratios in the U.S. and China affect men’s financial behavior can be explained with supply and demand and behavioral economics from Gary Becker.

Marijuana Money Problems

Colorado’s marijuana growers and dealers are wasting resources because banks and insurance companies will not act as their financial intermediaries.