Economic Thinkers

Starting with Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations, continuing to Malthus, Ricardo, Keynes, Hayek, Friedman, Sen and others, the timeless ideas of economic thinkers provide understanding of the contemporary economy.

What We Might Not Want to Know About Gift Giving

Looking at the numbers from the National Retail Federation, we do not see the value of the unwanted gifts that might be subtracted from holiday spending.

Where Illegal Activities Give the GDP New Highs

Adding together the goods and services we produce in the GDP, statisticians wonder if they should include illegal economic activities.

Why It’s Tough to Make Stock Market Predictions

The long term increase of the S&P 500 and the Dow Industrials misleadingly entices investors to believe that it’s easy to make stock market predictions.

What Presidents Added to Thanksgiving Economics

From George Washington to Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt to George H.W. Bush, U.S. presidents have influenced Thanksgiving economics.

The Airline Seat Size Squeeze

The problem of airline seat size getting smaller and people getting larger is difficult to solve because comfort and revenue tend to conflict.

What We Can Learn From a Trout

Looking at a hover of trout or a shoal of salmon, we can ask if a fish hatchery is the way to preserve a population for recreation and conservation.

The Best Way To Stop a Speeder

Typically involving a fine that could even relate to your affluence, a speeding ticket is usually about money but not necessarily in Estonia.

Six Surprising Facts About Our Prescription Drug Spending

Called a prescription escalator, our prescription drug spending is more about efficacy and age than the rising prices that we say we see.

Why Development Economics Has a Plumbing Problem

Comparing development economics to plumbing, one of this year’s Nobel Memorial Prize winners says she observes what works in the real world.

A Virtual Version of Conspicuous Consumption

Doing little to help us win games, our video game shopping for outfits and dance moves creates some conspicuous consumption.