When Parking Is Like Cheetos Lip Balm
December 9, 2022Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Cheap Dates to Pricey Presents
December 10, 2022Last updated 12/09/22
Every once in a while, (and sometimes each day) I listen to a great podcast, enjoy an article, or see a good video that I want to share with you.
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I like to think of them as my e-links:
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Friday’s e-links 12/09/22
In additon to the gender pay gap and the glass ceiling, national leaders have to fight biased questions. For that reason, it was a pleasure seeing two prime ministers Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand) and Sanna Marin (Finland) let a reporter know his question was inapproprite. Sadly, some people might not recognize a demeaning question but Ardern and Marin immediately knew a response was necessary. I selected this e-link because we should be alert to these kinds of insults.