Last updated 3/20/20
Every once in a while, (and sometimes each day) I listen to a great podcast, enjoy an article, or see a good video that I want to share with you.
I like to think of them as my e-links:
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Friday’s e-links (3/20)
Perhaps, like me, you’ve never heard of The Great Stink of 1858. And also, perhaps, you needed a break from the coronavirus news. If your answers are yes, then do take a look at this fast moving, cleverly expressed 10-minute report on the Great Stink. The Great Stink was a disaster that had a happy ending.
Friday’s e-links (3/13)
A bit of diversion from a world in turmoil, this CBS News report tells us what we take home from hotel rooms. The list includes a whopper of a surprise…mattresses!
Friday’s e-links (3/06)
I recommend taking a look at the UN’s 2020 Human Development Report on gender norms. Chock full of up-to-date facts, it provides a reality check about the gender gap through a social norms lens that is current and historical. It is an example of a 36-page report that combines many facts with thought-provoking conclusions.