Why It’s Tough to Calculate the Housing Shortage
December 6, 2024Our Weekly Economic News Roundup: From Cow Burps to Coffee Costs
December 7, 2024Last updated 12/06/24
Every once in a while, (and sometimes each day) I listen to a great podcast, enjoy an article, or see a good video that I want to share with you.
Last updated 12/06/24
With the French debt in the news, this Bruegel podcast and paper were especially relevant. As a European think tank, Bruegel is my go-to for the EU perspective. In their podcast on public spending, they do not discuss individual nations. However, all they tell us is a springboard for defining a public good. From there, we can judge the past, present, and future of France’s decisions. We can also consider the U.S. budget. A tough, debatable, and fascinating topic, how public entities spend our money needs further scrutiny. Today’s e-link equips us with the tools for this close look.