The One Investment That Is (Probably) a Sure Thing

Calculating the value of college involves what we spend, what we sacrifice, what we earn, and some other surprising considerations.

Do You Live Where You Should Sleep More?

When we consider the impact of social jetlag on our health and productivity, our sleep time could matter more than we think.

How An Elite College Determines Your Future

Students and their parents might be surprised that a diploma from an elite college might not have the life-changing impact they expect.

The Inconspicuous Consumption That Shouts Your Wealth

The average American has access to the types of consumer goods that only the wealthy used to buy. We can purchase a pricey iPhone or watch Netflix on a massive home TV screen. We eat steak, enjoy ahi tuna, and…

The Hidden Incentives That Determine Our Big Decisions

Random and seemingly inconsequential incentives can nudge us toward the college majors that will shape our future incomes and lifestyles.

A New Product That Pays For College

Like other new goods and services that people invent, the Income Sharing Agreement (ISA) is a financial innovation that pays for college tuition.

When Awards Give Us More or Less Than We Expect

While awards are all about recognition, inspiration, and appreciation, sometimes they are not exactly what we expect them to be.

Social Media’s Hidden Cost

While we all know when we are wasting time on social media, it is tougher to uncover the hidden cost that is paid by the entire economy.

Why School Funding and a “Friends” Dinner Are Similar

The controversial side of school funding can take us to a “Friends” excerpt about splitting the dinner check and to a small Vermont community.

How to Measure the Size of Our Cultural Divide

We can judge the size of our cultural divide by identifying the TV shows we watch, the magazines we read, and the movies we see.