Because cost and benefit analysis shows that temptation bundling for gym attendance encourages healthier behaviors, the approach can be used elsewhere.
Because album bundles increase our demand for a star’s recordings, they help to propel a song or album to the #1 Billboard spot.
Our Posts Roundup Sunday 3.22.15 The bundles that make life pleasant…more Monday 3.23.15 Where American cars are made…more Tuesday 3.24.15 What March Madness really represents…more Wednesday […]
Our everyday economics includes developing nations, human capital, environment, behavioral economics, consumer spending, health care,incentives & sin taxes.
Weight loss during the holidays is easier when you combine what you like to do with what you should do through temptation bundling.
Rippling far beyond furniture assembly, the IKEA Effect can determine how we value what we construct and cook at home, and design at work.
Combining our "wants"and "shoulds" into temptation bundling, we wind up with a commitment device that helps us keep our New Year’s resolutions.
Weekly Roundup Sunday 12.31.17 Updates for bananas, billionaires and a Tesla tax… […]
Dear Alexa, I have to admit I’m getting lazy. As always, my New Year’s resolution is to get in shape. But the protein shakes and five […]
Called temptation bundling and piggybacking, ideas from behavioral economics provide some easy to follow methods for keeping our New Year’s resolutions.
To keep our New Year’s resolutions, behavioral economics has several simple suggestions that painlessly preserve our discipline.
Further evidence that economics is everywhere, a behavioral economist knows how to incentivize exercise through temptation bundling.