An Economist’s Top Ten List For Christmas

Through a Christmas Top Ten list, we can see how economics has the perfect lens for understanding our holiday behavior. Christmas Top Ten List 10. Social Norms Violating a social norm, a grandmother in Wales charges for her holiday meals.…

How a Behavioral Economist Explains Our Thanksgiving Meal

Through a Thanksgiving Top Ten List, we can use behavioral economics to explain what we eat and how much we eat during the holiday.

The Top Ten Economic Ideas That Explain Thanksgiving

Rememebring that economics explains our everyday life, we can use a Thanksgiving top ten to understand our holiday behavior.

Top Ten Ways to Sound Like an Economist

If your New Year’s resolution is to sound more like an economist, today’s post suggests the top ten ways to achieve your goal.

The Top Ten Ways to Sound Like An Economist During the New Year

As the New Year begins, we might want to think of this updated list of the top ten ways that we can sound like an economist.

Economic Humor: The Top Ten Ways To Sound Like An Economist

A top ten list for sounding like an economist is economic humor that might come in handy.

A Thanksgiving Top Ten List

Using economic analysis, the top ten reasons for eating turkey on Thanksgiving include substitute and complementary goods, utility and opportunity cost.