The Restaurant That Lets You Pay What You Want

When “pay what you want” is used to determine restaurant prices, it creates incentives for consumers on the demand side that typically eliminates profit.

Weekly Roundup: From Skyscraper Shadows to Trendy Foods

This week’s everyday economics includes property rights, trade, creative destruction, entitlements, tradeoffs, conservation, externalities, price, and markets.

Food Issues: Why Economists Say Kale is Like Fried Calamari

Cited when discussing innovative entrepreneurs who invent new ideas, Joseph Schumpeter’s creative destruction applies to food trends that come and go.

Weekly Roundup: Matchmaking Mysteries to Garbage Privacy

Our everyday economics includes productivity, markets, prices, externalities, social norms, distribution, scarcity, environment, regulation, monetary union.

Airline Pricing Mysteries

Left to fluctuate freely, a price can tell us information about social norms, efficiency, technology, incentives, quality and supply and demand.

How to Find Your Match

Creating more efficient markets, matching algorithms facilitate supply and demand when transactions do not involve money.

Chips and Cheese Insight

For complementary goods and services like cheese and chips, peanut butter and jelly or weddings and bridal gowns, their demand rises and falls together.

More on Raisin Freedom

Basing their decision on the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment, the Supreme Court said the USDA raisin reserve could not longer seize farmers’ raisins.

A New Way to Calculate Drug Prices

Rather than the market system, several doctor suggest that cancer drugs can be priced using variables based on value that include toxicity and efficacy.

Weekly Roundup: From Greek Games to Tennis Matches

Our everyday economics includes externalities, branding, monopolistic competition, sovereign debt, game theory, elasticity, taxes, markets and the glass ceiling.