Why a $210 Million Baseball Contract Is Less Than It Appears

As baseball history shows, as with GDP, with inflation we need a nominal and real amount to compare different years’ salaries and calculate future value.

Weekly Roundup: From Marijuana to the Metric System

Our everyday economics include globalization, opportunity cost, inflation, employment, monetary policy, negative externalities, recession, business cycle.

One Song, Two Graphs and the Fed’s Dual Mandate

Because the Congress established a dual mandate of high employment and price stability for the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy, they created a dilemma.

Weekly Roundup: From Potato Chips to Pregnancy

Our Posts Roundup  Sunday 12.07.14 Innovative potato stories…more    Monday 12.08.14 The pregnant UPS lady who sued her boss…more    Tuesday 12.09.14 Measuring inflation can be tough…more    Wednesday 12.10.14 Why Congress creates economic uncertainty…more    Thursday 12.11.14 The ways that…

An Economist’s Definition of Misery

While a misery index shows a nation’s inflation and unemployment rates, the eurozone’s high unemployment might create disproportionate unhappiness.

Venezuela’s Biggest Economic Problem

The perverse incentives created by Venezuelan price controls result in shortages, underutilized resources, wasted time, soaring inflation and hoarding.

The Economic Impact of the Ebola Epidemic

The ebola epidemic will affect Liberia’s GDP growth rate through the illness itself and the ripple of fear that hits households, businesses and government.

The Monetary Policy Mistakes of a Babysitting Co-op

There once was a French economist whose name was Say. Proclaiming that “Supply Creates Its Own Demand,” Jean-Baptiste Say (1767-1832) entered economic history with Say’s Law. All he meant was that workers are also consumers. The money you receive for producing a good or a service…

Inflation: What A Billion Prices Tell Us

Every year, my class meets Harriet Shaw through a PBS NewsHour broadcast from 1991. An economic assistant for the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), she is a professional shopper who tracks prices. In the newscast, we follow her up and down store aisles until…

When Did We Get “Tough Love” From the Federal Reserve?

Demonstrating Russia’s current plight, this graph so perfectly illustrates stagflation: When GDP sinks and inflation increases, the stagflation that results is tough to cure. If monetary authorities target inflation with tight monetary policy, then interest rates go up and further…