When and Where Higher Temperatures Elevate Food Prices

Thinking about the reasons that food prices rise, we can add a cause to our list that might get worse in the future.

Where Less AC Might Mean More

Paradoxically, because air conditioning demand could increase with a more efficient window unit, we could have some unintended consequences.

How to Identify an Emerging Market

When the press refers to the world’s emerging market economies, they could mean a vast array of disparate countries.

How To Boost Chocolate Consumption

As a global confectionery company, Mars knows that from one country to another, chocolate eaters have very different tastes.

The Unexpected Side of Library Late Fees

While library late fees are supposed to be incentives that encourage us to return books, instead they have unintended consequences.

Where Will Automation Change Our Lives?

Whether looking at a self-driving car or your airline ticketing app, you can see how automation has begun to shift job activities.

The Travels of a Cashew

We seem to be going nuts for cashews. You can see below that the U.S. and India are eating the most. We like our nuts as a snack, in protein bars and as cashew milk. In India, a growing middle…

The Messages That Satellite Images Send

By showing illuminated areas of the world, nighttime satellite images can tell economic stories that relate to growth and contraction.

Fracking and India’s Guar Bean Bubble

Used in ice cream, India’s guar gum is also so necessary for fracking that the rise of oil prices created a guar bean bubble.

Really Understanding the World

Seeing the world develop through bubble animation from Hans Rosling makes health and income statistics mesmerizingly enjoyable.