How Gender Parity Starts With Toys and Ends in the Executive Suite

Empowering women, gender parity in California’s toy aisles could ripple to MBA programs and the top of the corporate suite.

How Men Named James Relate to Female CEOs

To assess the workplace gender gap among countries and companies, we need only look at the names James and Michael.

Where to Find Gender Inequality

Through a 2020 UN report, we can locate the world’s gender inequality by looking at politics, education, economics, and physical integrity.

The Mystery of the Disappearing Female CEO

Confirming the gender gap at the top, the NY Times Glass Ceiling Index compares the number of Fortune 500 female CEOs and Fortune 500 male CEOs named John.

The Mystery of the Vanishing Female CEOs

Using 85 observable characteristics, there was little that researchers could use from a Swedish study to prove why the glass ceiling blocks female CEOs.

What We Still Need To Know About the Gender Gap

New research on the gender pay gap and the gender leadership gap indicate we should be especially aware of hiring, downshifting, and attrition.

Why We Have Fewer Female CEOs

With Indra Nooyi leaving PepsiCo, we have even fewer female CEOs of major corporations who can change expectations about male leadership.

Why There Are So Few Female CEOs

Asking why the number of female CEOs remains low, we can look at the gender balance in workforce pipelines to the top of different industries.

Finding the Cracks in the Glass Ceiling

Wage data from 1981 to 2012 show that women who are top earners have made progress in cracking the glass ceiling but their numbers remain relatively low.

A One is Enough Gender Gap Problem

A new study showing the prevalence of a “one is enough” cap on the number of female top executives at many firms confirms a continuing gender gap.