Why You Should Bet On a Vaccine

Giving us unbiased insight about the future, vaccine prediction markets can help us predict when the economy could return to normal.

The Downside of Gift Giving

During the holiday season, our gift giving might have less value than we expect because recipients engage in preference falsification.

A Surprise From Clorox

In a 2020 Axios/Harris Survey, participants were asked which company had the best corporate reputation in the U.S. The Clorox Company was first in a top 100 list. These were the top ten: Last year, neither Clorox nor Hershey was…

The Mystery of the Cheap Turkey

Lower turkey prices just before Thanksgiving are an economic mystery because a spike in demand is supposed to make products more expensive.

Why Online Grocery Shopping Is Good for Us

Comparing in-store and online grocery shopping, we see that what we experience in the supermarket and what we order from home is changing.

The Meal That Florida Wants Us To Eat

If you skipped breakfast this morning, then you might be contributing to Florida’s worries about orange juice consumption.

What We Can See Through the Ghost Whopper

While most of us cannot buy the newest Halloween burgers at Burger King, we will see ads for the Ghost Whopper that could increase our demand.

When To Ignore Your Email

Tempted by thousands of hours of digital distractions, at home and at work, we diminish our creativity, our productivity, and our self-satisfaction.

Why a Lifetime Pasta Pass is About More Than Spaghetti

The unlimited pasta that Olive Garden’s Never Ending Pasta Pass winners consume reflects a massive change in marginal utility.

Why Life Is Not a Bowl of (Tart) Cherries

The crisis farmers are facing with plunging tart cherry prices takes us to big questions about tariffs and federal marketing agreements.