Why Netflix Makes Choosing Easier

Netflix makes choosing a movie easier because we get exhausted from contemplating countless possibilities.

Our Surprising Response to Peak TV

Faced with hundred of thousands of titles to choose from and what might be called peak TV, our response is surprising.

When Shoppers Have Too Many Choices

When supermarkets multiplied the number of shoppers’ choices, they wound up with a product explosion and a paradox.

The Surprising Side of Internet Prices

The trajectory of internet prices in markets that had never before existed is not entirely what we might have expected.

When More Is Less at the Supermarket

When supermarkets carry fewer products, they lose the benefit of more variety but also minimize the cost of creating too many decisions.

How Subscriptions Could Affect Car Sales

Through a BMW subscription, the incentive to buy a menu of extras like heated steering wheels shifts from the typical car dealer’s option package.

The Choice Fatigue That Exhausts Us

Making decision after decision everyday on what to wear, what to eat, what to read, and what to watch, we create more choice fatigue.

Why We Suffer From FOMO

With social media telling us everything our friends are doing and much more, many of us experience FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).

Handy Banking Quotes

Car buyers typically display decision fatigue when asked to choose among “4 styles of gearshift knobs, 13 kinds of wheel rims, 25 configurations of the engine and gearbox and a palette of 56 colors for the interior.” Too worn out…