The Economic Side of Predicting the Weather

Way beyond predicting the rain and temparature, the National Weather Service, engages in far reaching weather economics.

April 2022 Friday’s e-links: What Ben Franklin Would Have Tweeted

As our April e-links continue, we explain why the new Ken Burns documentary on Ben Franklin is about so much more than the past.

Why Changing to Standard Time Is Tough

Ranging from Amtrak train schedules to our health, changing to Standard Time and then back to Daylight Saving create a slew of consequences.

The Message That a Mail Truck Delivers

Looking at the mail truck (and wagon and train), we see a metaphor for the system’s innovative history and its current problems.

The Biggest U.S. Postal Service Problem

With postal service innovation a basic problem, the U.S. Postal System is ranked lower than France, Japan, Poland, and nine other countries.

The Unintended Consequences of Daylight Saving Time

We should cancel daylight saving time because studies show that the opportunity cost of energy use has changed since Ben Franklin suggested “early to rise.”

The Unexpected Impact of Changing Times

Beyond less sleep, when we moved our clocks ahead last night, we created many unintended consequences. It all began during the 1880s when the railroads said that they should coordinate time. With railroad companies observing 52 different times and even…