The Mystery of the Missing Jobs

To understand why certain cities have more dog walkers, scientists, and pastry chefs, we just need to look at the geography of jobs.

The Beer Ads That Started the Corn Syrup War

During Super Bowl LIII, Bud Light’s beer ads started a corn syrup war that unfolded during the game and after but was really about product differentiation.

Why the Supply of Avocados Could Dip

We could have a problem with our supply of Super Bowl guacamole if Mexico’s pipeline fuel thefts lead to avocado shortages.

Six Facts About How Supermarkets Influence What We Buy

These six facts tell us how our supermarket shopping can be influenced by much more than the shopping list we bring with us.

What Do Coca-Cola and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups Have in Common?

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Coca-Cola are just two examples of higher consumer prices because transport and ingredient costs have gone up.

The Impact of the Starbucks Effect

Called the Starbucks effect, current and future housing prices tend to rise when a Starbucks moves into the neighborhood.

The Impact of the Starbucks Effect

Called the Starbucks effect, current and future housing prices tend to rise when a Starbucks moves into the neighborhood.

Why We Suffer From FOMO

With social media telling us everything our friends are doing and much more, many of us experience FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).

Who Will Care About the Starbucks Price Hike?

When coffee drinkers hear that some prices at Starbucks will rise, their response will depend how how elastic their demand is.

When Choosing a Salad Is Like Buying a Car

Recent research explains why and when we experience choice fatigue after seeing the alternatives at a salad bar or options at an auto dealer.