The Shift in Recycling That No One Knew About

As a seemingly virtuous activity with a hidden downside, the impact of recycling is not what many of us expect.

Should We Recharge or Refill?

Knowing that every decision has a cost, we can compare the tradeoffs between a refill or a recharge when we consider an EV.

The Hidden Costs of a Heat Wave

With highs averaging 114°F (or so) and the lows closer to 90.4°F, Phoenix, Arizona is setting records. Beyond you and me, those high temperatures affect what we spend on our animals, Heat Wave Spending At the Phoenix Zoo, the demand…

When a Small Leak Is a Big Problem

Made worse by leaky pipes, European water shortages could become a bigger problem that requires short showers.

Why Zoe Is the Name of a Heat Wave

At econlife, we’ve suggested that heat waves should have names. It turns out that some do. Right now Cerberus is roasting Southern Europe. Heat Wave Names The Italian Meteorological Society named the current Southern European heat wave after the mythological…

The Tradeoff Between Geology and Economics

If we are indeed in a new epoch, it will reflect the geologic tradeoffs between economic growth and natural phenomena.

How International Cooperation Is Preventing a Catastrophe

An example of the tragedy of the commons, an abandoned oil storage tanker anchored near Yemen could become a catastrophe.

When Our Oil Use Will Change

Moving from the supply side to demand, our estimate of when we can reach peak oil has recently changed.

What We Learned From New York’s Air Pollution

The economic impact of air pollution takes us to some predictable territory and also to some surprise results.

Why Saudi Arabia Grows Alfalfa in Arizona

A partnership that affects the Arizona water supply, Saudi Arabia and Arizona shareshared desert farming ytechniques.