Economic Thinkers

Starting with Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations, continuing to Malthus, Ricardo, Keynes, Hayek, Friedman, Sen and others, the timeless ideas of economic thinkers provide understanding of the contemporary economy.

What Economists Say On Valentine’s Day

Further confirming that economics is about everyday life, economic Valentines can send our message on Valentine’s Day.

Six Facts: The Economic Side of the French Bulldog

Six facts about the economics of French bulldogs can explain why they are popular, expensive, and appeal to dognappers.

Some New Spin For Vinyl Records

Rather than new technology, the recent surge in the popularity of vinyl records represents a return to the past.

A Congressional Debt Ceiling Game (Theory)

Looking at the game theory behind congressional debt ceiling negotiations, we see a classic example of the prisoner’s dilemma.

The Electric Vehicle Switch

Seeing your new EV, you might find it difficult to imagine the huge changes that an electric vehicle switch required in the factory.

When We Don’t Need Traffic Lights

Having recently driven in Manhattan (NYC) and now on Nantucket (an island located 30 miles from the coast of Massachusetts), I’ve been pondering the difference a traffic light can make. In NYC, the traffic lights are constant signals from government.…

The Economic Lenses That Divide Us

Knowing that what we see can determine what we believe, the four economic lenses that separate us display why it’s tough to agree.

Our Surprising Response to More Safety

When we feel protected, safety regulations can encourage the risky behavior and unintended consequences that they are trying to prevent.

Why We Have a Chores Gap

Especially evident during pandemic lockdowns, at home we have a chores gap that determines who does the housework.

An Innovation That Stuck

Accidentally inventing the Post-it Note, two scientists and one large corporation demonstrated where an innovation can take us.